Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Final Year project thesis format

Here is the sequence of chapters/units that you have to follow.

  1. Title Page (including the Project Title, name and roll no. of group members, name of Guide, Academic year, etc,)
  2. Technical Summary or abstract (~ 1 page)
  3. Certificate of Completion (to be signed by the Project guide)

Should contain the statement “This is to certify that the project report entitled “……………….”submitted by Mr. ……., Mr. ……… and Mr. …. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Technology Degree in Civil Engineering at Sharda University, Greater Noida is an authentic work carried out by them under my supervision and guidance.

(name and signature of project guide)                            (name and signature of all group members)

  1. Contribution of Authors (should mention the individual effort of the group members)
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Table of Content (including page numbers for various chapters and sub-sections)
  4. List of figures and photos
  5. List of Tables
  6. Nomenclature or Abbreviations used
  7. Main Text
    1. Ch 1.: Introduction
    2. Ch. 2: Literature review
    3. Ch. 3: Problem statement or Thesis Statement or Aim or Objective
    4. Ch. 4: Methodology adopted
    5. Ch. 5: Results
  8. Conclusions
  9. Scope for Future Work
  10. References or Bibliography
  11. Appendices

Each group is required to submit 3 copies (Hard-Bound) to the Dept. for evaluation. The last date of thesis submission is April 25, 2014. You are required to submit your thesis to your project guide.
In case your guide is on leave, the same can be submitted to the HoD office.