Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Admit card distribution

Except the below students,

2ND YR Civil Engineering
S.No. Section System ID Students Name Fianl Attendance Remarks
83 B ‭2012013563‬ Lantham Leishemba 64 Deposit 10,000
92 B 2011000839 Karma Wangdi 50 Deposit 10,000
93 B 2011000850 Kezang Rinchen 49 Deposit 20,000
121 C ‭2012000066‬ Ngawang Tender 40 Deposit 20,000
3rd yr Civil Engineering
S.No. SECTION System ID Students Name Fianl Attendance Remarks
41 A 2011000704 EDRIS 61 Deposit of 10,000
101 B 2011001373 SAHAR RAZA 50 Deposit of 10,000
124 C 2011001345 SIDDARTH RANA 55 Deposit of 10,000
166 C 2010001587 Santanu 40 Deposit of 20,000
167 C 2010000940 shaswat 58 Deposit of 10,000
4th yr Civil Engineering
S.No. System ID Section Students Name NOC Fianl Attendance Remarks
78 2010000867 B JITESH CHAWLA N 54 Deposit 10,000
92 2010001019 B Mayank Bharadwaj N 37 Deposit 20,000
172 2010001710 D SUMIT KUMAR SINHA  N 53 Deposit 10,000

all other students can collect their admit cards from chaman's office as per the below schedule,

4th year: 24th April, 2014 - 10:00am - 01:00pm
3rd year: 24th April, 2014 - 02:00pm - 04:00pm
2nd year: 25th April, 2014 - 10:00am - 01:00pm

Those who fail to collect their admit cards shall have to collect the same from the osd office on the examination day.

Those whose names are there in the above list may contact the osd office for their admit card, after paying the security deposit.

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