Unit I: Introduction
Definition and scope, Hydrology in relation to water resources development, Hydrologic
Cycle, The necessity for hydrologic data, the global water budget, Practical applications.
Unit II: Hydrometeorology
Introduction, constituents of atmosphere, the weather and the atmosphere, the general
circulation, air masses and fronts, climate and weather seasons in India.
Unit III: Precipitation
Forms of precipitation, measurement of precipitation, Recording and Non-recording type
rain gauges, errors in measurement of rainfall. Consistency of rainfall records, Location of
rain gauge stations, analysis and interpretation of rainfall data, Average rainfall over a
catchment, Arithmetic, Theissen polygon and isohyetal methods, Probable maximum
precipitation (PMP), Rainfall intensity - duration curves.
Unit IV: Infiltration and Run off
Introduction, factors affecting infiltration, measurement of infiltration, infiltrometers,
infiltration equations, infiltration indices, effect of infiltration on runoff and recharge of
ground water, Runoff, components of runoff, estimation of runoff, calculations by
infiltration method, rainfall-runoff relationship, rational method of estimating runoff, Basin
Definition and scope, Hydrology in relation to water resources development, Hydrologic
Cycle, The necessity for hydrologic data, the global water budget, Practical applications.
Unit II: Hydrometeorology
Introduction, constituents of atmosphere, the weather and the atmosphere, the general
circulation, air masses and fronts, climate and weather seasons in India.
Unit III: Precipitation
Forms of precipitation, measurement of precipitation, Recording and Non-recording type
rain gauges, errors in measurement of rainfall. Consistency of rainfall records, Location of
rain gauge stations, analysis and interpretation of rainfall data, Average rainfall over a
catchment, Arithmetic, Theissen polygon and isohyetal methods, Probable maximum
precipitation (PMP), Rainfall intensity - duration curves.
Unit IV: Infiltration and Run off
Introduction, factors affecting infiltration, measurement of infiltration, infiltrometers,
infiltration equations, infiltration indices, effect of infiltration on runoff and recharge of
ground water, Runoff, components of runoff, estimation of runoff, calculations by
infiltration method, rainfall-runoff relationship, rational method of estimating runoff, Basin