Saturday, April 11, 2015

All the Backlog students DPC

Kindly submit an assignment of atleast two problems from each unit according to the syllabus of DPC Design of Prestressed Concrete. by 20/04/2015. In room No 203, SET II, Syed Emad uddin Ahmed.


Monday, April 6, 2015

OCF BAcklog Assignments and quiz

Complete the assignments and submit by Friday (10.4.15).
Here is the link of Assignment 1 & Assignment 2.
2 Quizes will be held on 18.4.15(saturday). (Those students having any issue can contact the concerned faculty.)  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Soil Mechanics test for Backlog

Test for soil mechanics backlog students is scheduled to be on 8th April,2015
Topics: Consolidation and Shear strength