Friday, February 27, 2015

Syllabus of soil mechanics for backlog up to mid term

Unit I: Introduction
Concept of soil,Definition and meaning of soil mechanics, History of soil mechanics
Scope of soil mechanics, Soil formation
Unit II: Weight And Volume Relationship Of Soil
Definition of soil mass, Components of soil mass, Phase diagram of soil mass and its
labeling, Weight and volume of soil with usual notation, Dry soil and wet soil
Void ratio, Porosity and their relations, Types of water in soil, Bulk density,
saturated, submerged and dry density, Difference between adsorbed water and
absorbed water in soil, Saturated, partly saturated and dry soil
Unit III: Classification Of Soil
Definition of Coarse and fine grained soil, Homogeneity, Consistency, Cohesiveness,
Toughness, Shear strength, Compressibility, Difference between coarse and fine
grained soil, Two methods of soil classification, Grain size classification of soil as per
I.S.I and classification of soil using plasticity chart, Sieve analysis and Stoke’s law,
Sedimentation analysis of soil, Particle size - Distribution curve on semi log scale,
States of consistency and its diagram, Consistency limits- Liquid limit, plastic limit,
shrinkage limit and plasticity index (P.I), Laboratory methods to find out these limits,
Field identification tests
Unit IV: Permeability
Definition and understanding of permeability, Different types of soil and permeability,
Laminar and turbulent flow, Importance of permeability, Darcy’s Law
Coefficient of permeability and its determination in laboratory, Factors affecting
permeability, Confined and unconfined aquifer, Dupit’s Formula, Field determination
of permeability by pumping out and pumping in test, Concepts meaning of seepage,
Effects of seepage, Flow lines and flow net diagram (only understanding)

syllabus for backlog for engineering dynamics up to mid term

Unit -I: Introduction
Engineering Mechanics. Brief history. Basic Concept. Mathematical Model. Units and dimension.
Unit -II: Section-I: Kinematics of Particles
Introduction. Motion of a particle in a straight line. Types of Motion analysis. Motion with constant
Acceleration. Graphical representation. Vector quantities. Vector addition. Resolution of vectors
into components. Unit vectors. Curvilinear motion-rectangular components. Tangential and Normal
components. Radial and Transverse components. Relative motion. Relative motion-translating axes.
Unit -III: Kinetics of Particles
Introduction. Newton’s Laws of motion. The Second Law- Units. Mass and weight. Frames of
reference. Equation of motion. D’Alembert’s Principle. Free-body Diagram. System of particles-
Internal and External forces. Equation of motion. Motion of the Centre of Mass. Newton’s Law of
Gravitation. Satellite Motion.
Unit -IV: Kinetics of Particles
Work and Energy: Introduction. Work by a Force. Work as a Scalar Product. Work-Energy Principle.
Power. Efficiency. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy. Principle of Conservation of Energy.
Non-conservative forces. System of Particles.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

internal assessment for Advanced Surveying[2010]

Dear Student, it is to inform you that I am going to make internal assessment for you in Advanced Surveying. So meet with me as soon as possible.
prashant mukherjee [civil engg deptt]
Roll No.
Enrollment No.
Student Name
Sub Code
Subject Name
Tushar Vasudev
Cvl 003
Advanced  urveying
Sonu Kumar
Cvl 003
Advanced Surveying
Nikhil Sharma
Cvl 003
Advanced Surveying
Sumit Chapagain
Cvl 003
Advanced Surveying
Pavan Kumar Varshney
Cvl 003
Advanced Surveying
Mayank Bhardwaj
Cvl 003
Advanced Surveying
Bharat Singh Nagar
Cvl 003
Advanced Surveying
Arun Chaudhry
Cvl 003
Advanced Surveying
Munesh Kumar Sharma
Cvl 003
Advanced Surveying

Syllabus for Advanced Surveying
Unit I: Field Astronomy
Definitions of astronomical terms, coordinate systems for locating heavenly bodies. Geographic, Geodetic, Geocentric, Cartesian, Local and Projected coordinates for earth resources mapping. Convergence of meridian, parallel of latitude, shortest distance between two points on the earth, determination of latitude and longitude.
Unit II: Basics of Geodesy
Introduction to Spherical Trigonometry and Spherical Coordinates; History and Development of Geodesy, Geodetic, Datums and Control; Networks; Understanding the Geometry of Reference Ellipsoid , Reference Coordinate Systems, Coordinate or datum Conversion, Lines (curves) on the Ellipsoid, Normal sections and geodetic lines, Radii of curvature and calculation of lengths of lines; Direction of lines on the ellipsoid
Unit III: Theory of errors and Adjustment of survey measurements
Sources of errors; types of error; accuracy and precision, propagation ofvariance/covariance and adjustment of errors using observation equation and condition equation approach (approximate and matrix-based solution) with example on adjustment of level nets, traverse, triangulation figures.
Unit IV: Triangulation and Trilateration
Necessity of Control Surveying, Principle of Triangulation and Trilateration classification of Triangulation Systems Station Marks, Towers and Signals, Satellite station, Intersected and Resected points, Reconnaissance, Indivisibility of stations, Angular Measurement, Base line measurement and its extension
Unit V: Setting out
Need of setting out; Control for setting out: Vertical and Horizontal control; Protection and referencing of controls, Basic setting out procedures: angle distance, distance, angle-angle; Use of grids in setting out; Use of total station and GPS in setting out; Special instruments for setting out: rotating laser, zenith-nadir plumb, Setting out building foundation and floors; Controlling verticality of structures; Route setting out: Setting out curves: simple and transition curves, vertical curves
Unit -VI: Project Survey

General requirements and specifications for Engineering project surveys, Reconaissance, Preliminary and Location surveys for highways, railways and canals, Correlation of surface and underground surveys in case of culverts, Bridges and Tunnels; Principles and practice of hydrographic surveys, Layout of culverts, canals, bridges and buildings.

Monday, February 23, 2015

EE-1 Backlog: MTE syllabus and Assignments

The backlog students need to complete these assignments and submit them by Mar 31.
The Mid term exam will cover the treatment portion upto sedimentation (Units- 1 to 2.5).

The notes are available on

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Library Dues

The following students have library dues against their name,

S NoDegree Serial No.Enrollment No.Student NamePassing YearDivisionYearCourseEmail IDLIBRARY DUES as per 14/02/2015  (Rs)- Double Cost of Book LIBRARY DUES  as per 14/02/2015  (Rs)- Over Due
110294409SETCIVL050Amir Iqbal Buchh2013-2014Second Division2009BTECH CIVILamirbuchh@yahoo.com191028075
210295109SETCIVL140Mohsin Zama2013-2014Second Division2009BTECH CIVILmohsinzama@gmail.com4009470
310295309SETCIVL214Rahul Sharma2013-2014Second Division2009BTECH CIVILrahulparashar@gmailc.om203032445
410295709SETCIVL171Shivam Singh2013-2014Second Division2009BTECH CIVILshivam28@gmail.com108013780
510315610SETCIVL253Kumar Arpit2013-2014Second Division2010BTECH CIVILmishraarpit94@gmail.com9581405

You are requested to clear the dues before you are allowed to get the final degree

List of students being awarded degree on convocation

Convocation 2015

Convocation has been scheduled for 27th Feb, 2015. You are invited for the same. Those students who shall be awarded degree during the convocation, can be accessed from the below link,

List of students being awarded degree on convocation

Should you wish to attend the convocation, please register yourself on the Sharda University website. Registration is MANDATORY for attending the convocation.

Click this link to register yourself

However, there are some students who still have dues pending. These students are,

S. No.Degree Serial No.Enrollment No.Student NamePassing YearDivisionSys IDBalacne
310304110SETECE365Tejpratap Singh2013-2014Second Division201000177513240
410295509SETCIVL076Shekhar Srivastava2013-2014Second Division200900109110960
610295509SETCIVL076Shekhar Srivastava2013-2014Second Division200900109110960

They are advised to clear their dues before the registration.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

backlog courses faculty

Below are the backlog courses and the faculty assigned for the same. You may contact the concerned faculty for the internal.

S NoCodeSubjectTermFaculty Assigned
1CVL 204Structural AnalysisIVPrashant
2CVL 205Soil MechanicsIVSarmistha
3CVL 206Building Materials and ConstructionIVSatya
4CVL 003Advanced SurveyingVIPrashant Mukherjee
7CVL 304Steel StructuresVISahzada
8CVL 305Open Channel FlowVIPinaki Nayak
10OEL 005Engineering DynamicsVIChhavi Gupta
11CVL 013Design of Pre-Stressed ConcreteVIIISyed Emmad

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Convocation for your batch is being planned on 27th Feb, 2015. Formal invitation shall be sent to you all for the same, soon. 

Mark your calendar and plan your journey.